The massage of the adductor muscle of the thumb

The extension of the shoulder joint
August 29, 2018
The massage of the palm
September 1, 2018

Securing with his right hand the patient’s left hand joint, the therapist massages with the left hand thumb the adductor muscle of the patient’s thumb (placed between the 1st and the 2nd metacarpals). The massage is performed through pressure (and optionally pulling) between the therapist’s thumb and index (the index must be flexed and placed on the palm of the patient’s hand, so that it supports the massaged muscle with its exterior side). There are ten repetitions.

This description presents the manner in which the procedure is performed on the left side of the patient. Similarly, the same steps are followed on the right side. In the standard version, the procedure is first performed on the left side and then on the right side.