Therapy Done with SOUL
October 26, 2016
Yumeiho – beyond the hands there is the soul
December 23, 2016

Hello everybody!

Let me tell you something about the beauty of the Yumeiho therapy as I seet it!

For several days I have been straining to draw up one or two articles, as fairly decent as possible, on the latest courses and practice groups in Galati. My efforts were in vain…

My daily activities, on top of which there was the ongoing beginner’s course, did not allow me to focus.

That is, until a few days ago, when, as I was heading for the course location, I ran into a student of mine who had participated, almost one year before, to an initiation course. Since then, she never attended any of the practice groups or further training courses.

Why did she attend the course from the first place? The reason was fairly simple, but sound: for her daughter! Her 11 years old daughter had advanced scoliosis which made it necessary for her to wear a corset, as an attempt to stop the evolution of the disease. The lady I talk about had nothing to do with massage and therapeutics. It was something new for her. Her work was very demanding and filled most of her days. And yet from her extremely busy schedule she took 4-5 hours a day in order to come and learn a method she hoped could help her daughter! Doctors gave her no chance of improvement, so, as far as she was concerned, it was the last hope!

Thorough as she was, she managed to honorably graduate the course, taking into account the circumstances.

Then, I haven’t heard of her for several months.

One day I stumble on her and her daughter on the street. Being curious to see if she had worked and the results she obtained, I had the pleasant surprise to hear she kept on working, practicing almost daily. And the result matched her effort! In just a few months of work she had managed to improve considerably the girl’s condition, such that she only needed to visit the doctor in order to modify the corset!

Returning to my meeting with her a few days ago, she started to tell me about how things worked out from our last encounter. First of all, the girl’s scoliosis was visibly ameliorated. Then, the fact that she had worked almost daily and the results she got encouraged her to work on one of her daughter’s colleagues, also affected by scoliosis, then on a friend who had learned she knew how to make massages, and then on a neighbor who had spine problems… And that’s how, according to her calculations, in less than one year, without making a living from therapeutics, she achieved the performance of delivering more than 200 therapy sessions!

And I thought this is a story worth telling!

1 February, 2012
Mihai Mirodone