Key words: Yumeiho, Judo, Sportive perfomance
Summary: The article presents a study by which we plan to evaluate the evolution of specific performance parameters for five physical tests (the long jump on the place, sit-ups, squats, extensions, push-ups) on 6 age categories that can be fitted in the children and preadolescent segment of judo practitioners.
Yumeiho: The Japanese manual therapy Yumeiho consists of a set of therapeutical manual procedures and complex physical exercises that aim the rehabilitation of the balance, symmetry and good functionality of the human body.
The manual therapeutical procedures, applied prophylactically or for correction purposes within the Yumeiho therapy, consist of: techniques of osteo-articular handling and passive myo-articular gymnastics, procedures of pointing therapy (similar to acupressure and reflexology); special massage techniques and procedures; stretching elements (stretchings, elongations performed curatively or prophylactic).
The exercises performed in the Yumeiho therapy consists of special gymnastics (Yumeiho Taiso), breathing techniques and relaxation methods.
Judo: Judo is a fight based on flexibility and strength. The basic principle consists in succumbing in appearance to defeat later. To this end, the wrestler will do everything to avoid a pointless waste of energy dosing his own force, by using the opponent`s force in order to achieve maximum effectiveness with minimal effort.
Training in judo is complex and includes physical, technical, tactical, psychological and theoretical training. These training factors are closely interrelated and together make up a unit that is subordinated to the training and educational process of athletes.
Sportive performance: Sportive performance is defined as the driving performance achieved in the objective conditions of a competition, leading to the establishment of some criteria which differentiate the competitive activity from the non-competitive one.
The orthostatic and dynamic balance of the human being is directly dependent on the predominant position of center of gravity. There are various causes that may influence how the body`s weight is distributed at the level of the lower limbs, respectively the dominant location of the center of gravity, some even extremely complex. This happens because the maintenance of the human body`s balance in the gravitational field involves the action of various systems and structures of the being (nervous system, musculoskeletal, etc.).
At the core of the chosen theme there were three arguments:
The increase of the sportive performances represents not only an exceeding of limits in this area (goal located permanently in the competitors sight), but also the constructive imposing of new levels of psycho-somatic and postural-attitudinal evolution. One of the factors that favors the increase of sportive performance is determined by the health of the musculoskeletal system in general and that of the spinal cord in particular. These issues are directly related to the athlete`s posture and postural behavior within the training sessions and competitions and also in the extra-sportive life. We believe that a study related to a postural readjustment process of an athlete through Yumeiho therapy, with implications in the increase of the sportive performance, is an useful and innovative approach and it can contribute to the efficiency of health and sport activities.
The specificity of trainings and procedures applied on the judo practitioners implies a varied postural behavior, spectacular and with positioning of the body that leads to its greater wear. A research that hints the systematic implementation of the Yumeiho therapy, a therapy that aims the recovery and the maintenance of the musculoskeletal balance of the judo practitioners, is welcomed and leads to the improvement of the sportive performance, diminishes the number and the intensity of injuries, increases the physical resistance and reduces the risk of some specific muscular and osteoarticular damages.
Within the framework of our study, which is a first step to argue scientifically, the efficiency and the multiple benefits of the Japanese manual therapy Yumeiho, we plan to evaluate the evolution of specific performance parameters for five physical tests (the long jump on the place, sit-ups, squats, extensions, push-ups) on 6 age categories that can be fitted between kids and preadolescents practitioners of judo.
The working hypothesis is based on the assumption that, by applying the Yumeiho therapy during some sessions fixed at regular intervals (therapeutical method associated with prophylactic strategies and postural realignment) and in an intensive manner, we can influence the athletes` capacity of effort and that by combining these actions we will have some results. We sought to highlight also the difference between the results Yumeiho therapy sessions at large intervals of time (control group) and the results of intensive therapy sessions (group study). The scientifical approach focused on the application of procedures and techniques within the Yumeiho therapy and breathing exercises specific to concentration, so that athletes can cope with the competitive situation, can maintain control and can optimize their performance. This approach can allow the athlete to relax, but also to acquire a significant increase of the capacity of effort, so as he can focus his attention in a positive way on his goal to prepare for competitions.
The study was conducted over a period of 6 months and included an initial test and a final test which revealed the purpose of this study and helped fitting in a category either positive or negative, depending on the registered progress elements.
Two groups of judo practitioners were founded: a control group and a study group. The two groups of subjects were established using the homogeneity criteria related to age, height and weight, so that the results of the study to be as close as possible to the criteria of objectivity.
An initial assessment was conducted for 5 tests that stressed significantly, in terms of physical capacity, certain specific areas of the human body in a limited time (30 seconds). The tests were performed individually, lasted 30 seconds for each subject and included the following physical tests: the long jump on the place, sit-ups, squats, extensions, push-ups.
After this evaluation, which represents the starting point of the study, the Japanese manual therapy Yumeiho was applied, following a different protocol for each group, favoring the study`s objective. Within the control group a set of 3 Yumeiho therapy sessions was applied: the first after the initial testing of the five parameters, the second after 3 months and the last at the end of the research. Within the study group, 2 weekly sessions of Yumeiho therapy were applied during the entire research period. For all the subjects, both from the control group and the study group, the Yumeiho therapy sessions have been applied in the days when kids didn’t have the normal physical workouts.
The analysis of two groups of subjects that participated in the study:
The differences in performance for the 5 parameters analysed, for the control group and the study group, and the improvements that occurred as a result of intensive application of the Yumeiho manual therapy on the study group
* The application of specific methods of the Yumeiho therapy, which aims a global process of postural readjustment and the regaining of the predominant position of the center of gravity, on an age category that focuses on children, leads to a significant increase in their capacity to evolve from physical point of view;
* The performance in the long jump on the place increased significantly for age groups 4-5 years old, 8-9 years old and 12-13 years old;
* The performance when executing sit-ups within 30 seconds increased significantly for the age category 4-5 years old, but its development is not so spectacular for the other age categories;
* The performance when executing squats within 30 seconds has good results in the age category 4-8 years old and 14-15 years old;
* The increase in the average performance of the number of extensions made within 30 seconds is obvious at the youngest age category, but has a slower movement in the older age categories;
* The performance in the number of push-ups completed within 30 seconds has a spectacular growth within the age category 10-11 years old;
* A method of postural realignment which aims to bring the postural conduct and attitude as close as possible to ideal, through the proposed methods and procedures, will find its effectiveness in the balanced stress, intensive and with significant physical gains for the practitioners of the movement and of physical exercises;
* In this regard, the postural gymnastics (Taiso), which is included in the prophylactic and corrective concept of Yumeiho manual therapy, can be integrated into specific training programs for individual and team sports;
* Given these general arguments mentioned in the text of this study, but also our personal professional experience, there is a consistent scientific framework that could be a pretext for the implementation of the Yumeiho therapy in a larger, updated study, within the university and postgraduate educational system, a challenge for the students specializing in physical therapy, balneary physical therapy, physical education and sport, sciences of the movement.
Lucian Dănilă – master “Physical therapy at home” Lower Danube University, The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; Yumeiho Therapist (3rd rank)
Member of the “Romanian Yumeiho Society” and certificated by the “International Institute for Practical Preventive Medicine” from Nagaoka, Japan
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