July 12, 2018
Final procedures
August 3, 2018


Health is the fundamental parameter of life. The idea of ​​preventing the disease is neither new nor exhausted. From the perspective of prophylaxis, a therapy that can be designed and built for this purpose seems, at least at first glance, an unusual and atypical approach.

The state of health of a human being is described, in an integral sense of the term, by the multiple, somatic, energetic and spiritual relationship that it has with the “Universe”, in other words with the whole spectrum of existential constituents that are part of it, but also the whole of its life. One of the important, fundamental aspects of this relationship is the position and attitude of a person in relation to each moment of life. In other words, the position and attitude of a man before life translates into the “degree / level” of the psycho-cognitive and bodily balance he manifests, that is, the posture, the position of the body in the various active and / or contemplative hypostases of life.

We all know that the posture of the body can influence the state, but also the efficiency with which we carry out our daily activities, from the most common (which can be trivial but also complex) to the newest and more complicated. In this sense, a restoration of the human being from a postural anomaly to a harmony in relation to the environment is a therapeutic challenge. To approach a complex and integral process aimed at a postural adjustment, a transposition of the human being in the hypostasis of claiming its health, whether ephemeral, in the environment it is exploring, first focuses on three fundamental points of reference : Verticality, Balance and Symmetry.

One of the most important components of the human being is the backbone. The name “backbone” manifests, at least in Romanian, two meanings. In its own sense it designates the osteo-articular structure responsible for maintaining the orthostatic and dynamic balance. In the figurative sense, a man has a “backbone” when in his state, reflected by the way he represents a professional and moral point of reference, but also a set of spiritual values ​​that are connected to the balance, harmony and symmetry specific to the causality of rigor with which Creation manifests itself (the universe in which we live), designates an attitude.

A way of postural adjustment and implicitly, disease prevention, is Japanese Yumeiho manual therapy.

The exhaustive approach to a theme, regardless of the register of knowledge and applicability, implies a “translation” of the denomination, which reflects, in a first stage of definition, the essence, mechanisms and principles of the proposed method, but also the efficiency potential quantified by the studies and researches that can evaluate this parameter. The correct and complete name of the therapy is “Kotsuban Yumeiho Taiso”. In the Japanese language, “kotsuban” means “pelvis,” “Yumeiho” is an etymological construction consisting of three components: “yu” which means “to gush, to erupt, to grow rapidly”, “mei” represents “virtual force”, “ho” translates into “technique, process, method”  and “taiso” refers to sets of therapeutic gymnastics exercises that are used to maintain and/or amplify the effects of therapy sessions. In other words, Yumeiho Japanese manual therapy uses the forces, energies, and intrinsic mechanisms of the individual human being (the therapeutic approach is strictly personalized) to bring it back to a state close to balance, symmetry and ideal functionality.

A lapidary definition which emphasizes distinctive aspects of Yumeiho therapy , highlights in the very broad spectrum of corrective and therapeutic methods dedicated to static and dynamic disorders of the locomotor apparatus that this therapy bases its theory and practice on studying the relationship of interdependence between the predominant position of the center of gravity of the body and the sickly potential, with direct reference to human pathology.

The predominant position of the center of gravity of the human body is the basis,  and / or the  cause of relative equilibrium hypostases, moderate imbalance or postural anomaly. In other words, combating vicious somatic positions, educating and cultivating a postural behavior tailored to the needs of individual activity and action means, in a first stage of implementation, the development of a (individualized and generalized) prevention strategy (“therapeutic prophylaxis”). This strategy is represented within the 100 procedures of Yumeiho therapy , in the integration into the “standard” protocol of a set of manual therapeutical techniques and complex physical exercises aimed at rehabilitating the balance, symmetry and functionality of the human body.

Manual therapeutic procedures applied for prophylactic or corrective use , consist in: osteo-articular manipulation techniques, passive mio-articular gymnastics, punctuation methods (similar to reflexology and acupressure but with a distinct approach), special massage techniques, stretching elements which can be associated with breathing disciplines and relaxation techniques.

The most important medical studies and research that focused on the curative and prophylactic efficacy of Yumeiho therapy were conducted over the course of 10 years (1991-2000) at the Center for Scientific Research of the Central Military Hospital of Moscow. Following the results and conclusions, Yumeiho therapy was officially implemented as a method of prophylaxis and rehabilitation in the treatment of specially trained personnel from the Russian army (aviators, personnel with a program of training for cosmonauts).

Beyond the aspects that highlight the history and development of this therapeutic method,  remains the direct experience, which refers to the learning phase of therapy (a process that is itself a therapy) and to the application and emergence of therapeutic results.

As a result of over 10 years of experience in addressing pathologies that address any disruptive, abnormal aspect of postural behavior that has the potential to trigger illnesses, we can say that Yumeiho is a method that, by using technical arsenal, primarily prevents and in the same time (which may be later, sometimes very late) treats.

Conditions of the well-defined spine (kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis, combinations of these, dislocate protrusions and discs, disc hernias, etc.) with postural etiology and individualized evolution , represents a “fertile” pathological segment requiring the application of Yumeiho therapy with results that refers to amelioration, improvement of the local comfort state. In the same registry we can mention some diseases of the cervical area of ​​the spine (spondylosis, torticollis, etc.), scapular belt (muscles hypertonia, asymmetry, humerus-scapular periarthritis etc.), frequent lumbar algies (lumbar spasms, lumbosciatics) ,distinct anomalies , “hallus valgus”, “hallus varus”, bone micromodifications (osteophytes) and these represent only a small part of the range of conditions that can be treated and improved by Yumeiho therapy.

Given these general arguments and our personal professional experience, there is a consistent scientific framework that can be a pretext for implementing Yumeiho therapy in a large-scale study, updated in university and post-graduate education, a challenge for the students of the faculties with specialization in physiotherapy, balneophysiokinetotherapy, physical education and sports, movement sciences.


* Lucian Dănilă – M.A “Home Physical Therapy”“Dunarea de jos“ University , Faculty of Physical Education and Sport; Yumeiho therapist (Grade 3)
* Mihai Marian Mirodone – instructor and therapist Yumeiho (grade 5)
Members of the “Romanian Society of Yumeiho” and certified by the “International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine” in Nagaoka, Japan



  • Miracle of the 20th Century – Masayuki Saionji, Eurobit Publishing House, 1994
  • Yumeiho (Kotsuban, Taiso, Gyoho, Seitai – Essential Information) – Yumeiho Romanian Society
  • Yumeiho – Instruction Manual for Grade 1, Krakovia, 1997