Practice and Training Regulations

Mr. KITAMI TOSHIHARU, Director of the International Center of Yumeiho® in Nagaoka - Japan, decided to reorganize and apply some changes regarding the regulation of promotion in degree, hierarchy and training competence of therapy practitioners Yumeiho®.

Yumeiho® practitioners are divided into four groups, as follows :

Group 1 - 初級 SHOKYU - beginners, holders of degrees (Dan) 1 and 2;

Group 2 - 中級 CHUKYU - intermediate level practitioners, holders of 3 and 4 Dan.

Group 3 - 上級 JOKYU - advanced level practitioners, holders of 5 and 6 Dan.

Group 4 - 師範 SHIHAN - masters, holders of 7 Dan.

Hierarchy according to the degree of competence (Dan)

Dan 1 - Shokyu(初級)shodan yumeihoshi (初段湧命法師)

Dan 2 - Shokyu (初級)nidan yumeihoshi (2段湧命法師)

Dan 3 - Chukyu(中級)sandan yumeiho renshi (3段湧命法錬士)

Dan 4 - Chukyu(中級)yondan yumeiho renshi (4段湧命法錬士)

Dan 5 - Jokyu (上級)godan yumeiho kyoshi (5段湧命法教士)

Dan 6 - Jokyu (上級)rokudan yumeiho kyoshi, shihandai(6 段湧命法教士、師範代)

Dan 7 - Shihan (師範)nanadan yumeiho hanshi, shihan(7段湧命法範士、師範)

Minimum requirements for promotion in the degree and related skills

To obtain degrees 1 and 2 it is enough to complete the course for beginners and pass the degree exam.

Holders of the 1st degree can apply Yumeiho on healthy people, in order to practice the elementary procedures. Level 2 holders can apply Yumeiho only for prophylactic purposes on people without significant health problems.

To obtain degree 3 (Yumeiho therapist) it is necessary to consistently practice Yumeiho therapy for at least one year after obtaining degree 2.

Possessors of degree 3 can apply Yumeiho for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes.

To obtain degree 4 (assistant instructor) it is necessary to consistently practice Yumeiho therapy for at least two years after obtaining degree 3.

Possessors of degree 4 can apply Yumeiho for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. The assistant instructors will be selected from the holders of degree 4.

To obtain degree 5 (therapist-instructor) it is necessary to pass an exam conducted at the International Yumeiho Center in Nagaoka - Japan. The minimum requirements for appearing at the exam to obtain grade 5 are the following: letter of recommendation from the instructor, at least 2 years have passed since obtaining grade 4, special results regarding therapeutic and organizational activity (spreading/popularizing Yumeiho therapy) specified in writing , in the form of activity reports.

Possessors of degree 5 have the competence to practice Yumeiho for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, they have the right to train Yumeiho up to level 3 (under the conditions of the instructor contract signed with the International Center of Yumeiho from Nagaoka - Japan)

In order to obtain degrees 6 and 7, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions and special requirements established by the Director of the International Yumeiho Center in Japan.


The International Yumeiho® Center in Nagaoka – Japan is the institution that coordinates the spread of Yumeiho® therapy at the international level.

Method the logic regarding training conditions and examination requirements are established by each individual instructor, depending on the particularities and circumstances, with "sine qua non" compliance with national and international regulations and legislation.

Sorin Iga
president S.R.Y.