Romanian Yumeiho Society
The Romanian Yumeiho Society (S.R.Y.) is the only institution authorized to represent in Romania the interests of the Yumeiho Center – the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine of Tokyo – Japan.
This is a non-governmental non-profit professional organization, set up in 2002 on the request of the founder of the Yumeiho therapy, Dr. Saionji Masyuki.
* The main purpose of this professional association is to promote and to accredit the Yumeiho Therapy in Romania, as well as to turn it into a part of the concept of integrative medicine. Professionally speaking, it enjoys the support of Prof. Dr. Saionji Masyuki, the founder of this therapy, master of Shiatsu massage and Acupressure, and of Mr. Hashimoto Shigeru, director of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine headquartered in Tokyo – Japan.
* It organizes and holds introductory and refresher courses on Prophylactic Massage and on the Yumeiho Therapy; Refresher Authorizations, Diplomas and Certificates are issued to the graduates, depending on each case.
* If provides prophylactic and curative services, and Yumeiho prophylactic and therapeutic applications respectively, as well as other Oriental manual therapeutic methods.
* It signs mutually advantageous collaboration contracts with institutions, societies and other associations interested in the prophylaxis of their own employees or in sustaining the coxal therapy or other manual therapeutic methods.
* It ensures the information and the constant training of the practitioners of this therapy in view of enhancing their level of professional proficiency. To this purposes, it organizes seminars, training stages, study groups, conferences, etc.
The President of the Romanian Yumeiho Society is Sensei Sorin Iga – 6th degree – international representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan.
The Yumeiho Center of Tokyo, and the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine of Tokyo, respectively, is the coordinator of all the activities related to the Yumeiho therapy worldwide. Furthermore, it regulates the practice and instruction activities, and the training respectively, in compliance with the legislation of the countries where these activities are carried out. It is precisely to this purpose that the institute collaborates with instructors delegated by contracts and letters of empowerment, who are in charge with the proper course of the activities, regionally (countries, continents) or locally speaking (organizations, groups of practitioners, cities, etc.).
Contact S.R.Y.
Sorin Iga
President of the Romanian Yumeiho Society
Tel: 0744.573.177;