The extension of the calf posterior muscles

The sole percussion
September 12, 2018
Plantar flexion of the toes joints
September 14, 2018

The positions for the previous procedures are maintained. The therapist grabs the patient’s calcaneus with the left palm so that the latter’s sole to rest on the therapist’s forearm. The therapist’s right forearm rests over the patient’s knee. Then, the patient’s knee is extended and the left leg is elevated up to an angle of c. 30-40o (from the coxofemoral joint). The therapist leans to the right pressing the patient’s sole with his forearm and fixing his calcaneus, thus acquiring the extension of the sural triceps muscles (the musculature extension may be felt at the level of the entire posterior side of the leg). The weight of the body is used to perform a full extension in the case of the rigid or massive muscles. There are c. three repetitions.

This description presents the manner in which the procedure is performed on the left side of the patient. Similarly, the same steps are followed on the right side. In the standard version, the procedure is first performed on the left side and then on the right side.