The massage of the abdomen

The massage of the large pectoral and dorsal muscles in the periaxillary area
September 8, 2018
The massage of the abdominal muscles
September 10, 2018


The patient flexes his knees keeping the soles on the ground. The therapist gets on his knees on the left side of the patient, facing his abdomen, with the knees spread so that he can place himself as close to the patient as possible. Then he places his right hand transversally on the abdomen so that the patient’s navel is covered by the base of the third and fourth fingers. The left palm is then placed over the right palm so that it covers it completely. A waving motion though pushing, pressure and pulling is then performed ten times, forward-backward working out the contents of the abdomen (the small intestine being primarily addressed). Then, a motion of rotating the palms is performed ten times clockwise, the pushing following the line of the large intestine. The procedure ends with a small vibration performed during the patient’s breathing out over the inferior level of the abdomen, which is repeated two times.