The massage of the abdominal muscles

The massage of the abdomen
September 9, 2018
The massage of the inguinal ligaments (with the palms)
September 11, 2018


The therapist, placed above the patient in a position similar to that used in the previous procedure, massages simultaneously with the thumbs the abdominal muscles. The massage is performed in 6 points, the first three being placed above the navel and the other three, below. The first point for each muscle will be vertically pressed (it is not allowed to be superiorly worked out as the others!) and it is placed on a horizontal line at c. three fingers below the xiphoid appendix. Vertical pressure should be performed over the other points, followed by a push towards the thorax, maintaining the pressure intensity constant (gentle and deep). There are c. three repetitions. The therapist should not press on the umbilical area. The pressure intensity should be dosed so that it does not produce significant discomfort for the patient.