The massage of the large pectoral and dorsal muscles in the periaxillary area

The massage of the arm
September 7, 2018
The massage of the abdomen
September 9, 2018

The patient lies in dorsal decubitus with the left arm abducted to 90º (stretched laterally, perpendicular on the torso). The therapist knees on the left side, parallel with the patient’s body (with the latter’s arm in front of him). With his right hand, he secures the joint of the patient’s hand, then places the left hand on the superior-external area of his pectoral muscle, so that the thumb can massage it through pushes towards the other fingers. The massage is performed in 3 to 5 points, two times, starting from its insertion in the humerus area and down to thorax. Then, the thumbs massage the dorsal muscle in 3 to 5 points, two times, starting from its insertion in the humerus area and down to thorax.

This description presents the manner in which the procedure is performed on the left side of the patient. Similarly, the same steps are followed on the right side. In the standard version, the procedure is first performed on the left side and then on the right side.