Basic knowledge of anatomy, biophysics and biomechanics of the locomotor apparatus
January 6, 2017
Kotsuban Yumeiho
January 8, 2017

The neurasthenia prevention through the Yumeiho therapy

Cristiana Cosmescu – 2nd degree Yumeiho practitioner

The Yumeiho therapy is defined through the “symmetry – verticality – balance” tern. Symmetry, a decisive factor when it comes to the construction of our being, from an aesthetical, functional, biomechnical, psychical point of view, is determined and defined by the health of the spine. The spine, in turn, is the one that generates and sustains the human body verticality in the gravitational field, both in motion and repose. Every person’s verticality depends on the spot where the gravitational forces concentrate their action, that is the body’s centre of gravity. Balance is acquired only when every person lives in complete harmony with both outer and inner being. But what do we do when this balance is disturbed? The answer is simple – we verify the symmetry and verticality.

Neurasthenia is the exhaustion and overstressing disease, determined by psychical causes external to the patient, which imbalance him; it is a psychogenic, stress disorder. The backstage elements mentioned below try to differentiate it from a depressive form called dysthymia. Neurasthenia, in general, manifests itself as an irritable weakness, or simply put, it is characterized by the common saying “his nerves are failing him” which means that the ordinary excitations start to annoy the patient. The person is all on wires, in other words, at the slightest agitation, the world becomes impossible to bear (this that never annoyed him before are now unbearable: the trams on the street, the slammed doors, the water running, etc.). All these minor challenges make the neurasthenic patient explode.

The “explosion” manifestations can be impulsive, destructive or intensive crying. Therefore, the symptoms are irascibility, hyperesthesia and fatigability, and they are enough to produce conflict. Everybody in the house yells all around the sick person, he lies in bed, taking another pill, being continuously tired, everything hurts him, especially the head. The patient becomes anxious, indisposed, restless; he is feeling like in a roller-coaster, needs peace and quiet which leads to isolation which leads to lack of motion. In conclusion, the patient is in the mood for nothing and because of it, the headache and the lying in bed appear, which lead to nothing good.

In men, the restlessness becomes somatic, affecting the heart and the digestive system; in women, the illness manifests itself in the lungs, giving a suffocating sensation. The burnings are quick, the oxygen consumption is high, but the energy application is insufficient. Emotions appear rapidly, a look, a word is enough to unleash hell. The patient realizes that he cannot control himself, so he cries more easily, but he can also laugh more easily, which makes quite instable. In this state, the sick person does not take serious actions to heal him/herself, does not go to see a specialist, he/she becomes alarmed only when he/she can distinguish a symptomatic pattern, a thing that leads to distraction. The colleagues or the ones around him/her start to think that the person drinks, is in love or similar things because they see that he/she is completely distracted, forgets what he/she promises, creates different misunderstandings, etc.

We must learn that the confusion impression is given by spontaneous attention that has gained ground in the disadvantage of voluntary attention; the patient does not see the world rationally, he/she is not calm in order to see, hear, perceive or feel. This everyday disorder is thought to be the result of distraction and the patient even accuses lack of memory and learning capacity.

Like I said before, the working capacity lowers not only objectively, but also subjectibely, and the descriptions leave room for metaphors such as: “I can’t do it, I’m down, I’m exhausted”.

We will add insomnia to the Kraindler tern mentioned above. There are thousands of insomniacs that are afraid of the fact that they won’t get enough sleep throughout the night and this situation leads in the majority of the cases to drug addiction through medicamentary dependence. Another symptom is dizziness. Dizziness scares a lot more than headaches. The neurasthenic becomes anxious, does not leave the house anymore in order to remain safe, and as a result, he/she stops being fit. Because most neurasthenics are not energetic people, sports cannot come into question; this makes Yumeiho a very good healing therapy – the patient must lie down, but the results are the same as after having run 10 km.

We add to the symptom list an infestation of all analyzers – on top of the list: the sight problems. It is understood that the sick person thinks he/she needs glasses – so the drama begins because neither the first, neither the second doctor satisfy him/her. ENT doctors have even more trouble than ophthalmologists when dealing with a neurasthenic because of the weird descriptions that he/she provides. Then, it is the neurologists’ turn to try and find a cure for the suspected affections from degenerative diseases to tumors. Since the patients accuse nauseas, cold limbs, intermittent claudication, muscular strength diminishment, an inequity of the body axis, we can draw the conclusion that they have a high healing potential through the Yumeiho® therapy.

When it comes to digestive pathology, the neurasthenics accuse aerogastria and aerocolia, which is not easy. Aerophagia determines nocturnal suffocations and the patient believes to be suffering from heart diseases. This leads to interminable diets given by physicians until they are so bewildered that they will not know what to eat anymore and they will begin to lose weight and energy. In women, we can find the illusion that they suffer from kidney, gallbladder, genital or liver diseases, which makes them undertake unnecessary tests and follow pointless treatments, a thing that happens in the whole world.

Most of the times we deal with a patient that has a premorbid personality; it may be the case that one of the parents has developed neurotic psychical reactions, and the child, possibly being somewhat more sensible, more scared of the new environment, more prudent and more dependent, will introject his parents behavior (this being a possible explanation for all this semiology).

The neurasthenic is an invalid, a pained person; he/she has the nostalgia and the wish for normality. He is the ideal patient because he wants to recover, but he is confused and unable to express his suffering. The therapist must not minimize his illness; he must gain his trust through empathy, patience and professionalism, otherwise the patient will still go on blaming him/herself.

I have structured a Yumeiho therapy program for those have wished to undertake the prevention of neurasthenic neurosis. The final objective is to gain a good control over our own body through the application of various manual procedures that target the organism’s equilibration. For those that are already suffering as well as for those who want to prevent the deterioration of their beings, the program has been extended over a period of several months, with a frequency of one session per week.

In each and every session I have applied all the 100 existing fundamental procedures of the Yumeiho® therapy, after I’ve previously measured the form, tonus, dynamic and static body asymmetry degree. All these data have been registered and compared in order to follow and establish the patient’s evolution in time.

After the first sessions, the positive effects have started to appear; to be more exact, the articular movement amplitude extended, therefore offering more freedom in motion. The muscular rigidity disappeared, thing that made the patient extremely comfortable. Since the fatigue was gone, the subjects had had more time for themselves and for others, which greatly improved their work and family relationships.

Conclusion: neurasthenia is a state determined by a profound lack of confidence in ourselves. The Yumeiho® therapy helps us recover it.


  1. “Note de curs”, Iga Sorin, President of the Romanian Yumeiho® Society,
    6th degree instructor and therapist,
    Representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan, Timisoara, 2008;
  2.  “Psihiatrie, 2nd revised edition ”, prof. univ. dr. Aurel Romila, Asociaţia Psihiatrilor Liberi din România, Bucharest, 2008.