Kotsuban Yumeiho
January 8, 2017
Yumeiho Theory 1
January 11, 2017

Theoretical Sketches of the Yumeiho Therapy

Dr. Masayuki Saionji; Tokyo – 2002

* The theory of the center of gravity

  1. The changes in the position of the center of gravity directly influence the onset of diseases.
  2. The wholesome balance is the most important factor in maintaining health, but it is not the only one.
  3. The musculature tension state (tonus) is also important.
  4. It is only when the human body has a relatively fine balance that the musculature has a normal tonus.
  5. The center of gravity always changes its position.
  6. The transposition (decentralization / dislocation) of the center of gravity (C.G.) is a result of the difference of weight distribution on the inferior limbs (inf. l.).

* Degrees of decentralization (transposition, dislocation) of C.G.

  1. Decentralization within the limits of which one can maintain a fine state of health: it must not exceed 10% of the half of the total body weight.
  2. Of note is the fact there is an increased possibility of contracting a disease between 10 and 30% of half of the total body weight (W). The percentage (degree) is not always directly proportional to the onset of diseases due to the fact the position of CG can change very quickly from one side to another (left to right), especially during the daytime movements. If the percentage of additional weight on one of the inferior limbs maintains long enough, then the diseases will evolve.
  3. “Increased danger” represented by a degree higher than 30% of half of G. Starting from this percentage, serious diseases can occur. For instance, if this degree (percentage) is additionally distributed on the level of the left inf. l., depression or / and heart diseases will occur.

If more weight is distributed on the left leg (pay attention, during walking!, since at rest we deal with a completely different situation), this is called decentralization to the left of the center of gravity.

The sketch of a person exhibiting decentralization to the left of the center of gravity (CG-left)

The person will sit with their back to the examiner. The exceeding weight on the left leg is indicated by the red arrow.

See fig 1.

Both versions must be compared with the normal tonus (tension). In this case, the possibility of the onset of diseases on the level of the upper right part (which is greatly tensed, contracted) is higher. On the level of the inferior limbs, the most severe symptoms will be exhibited on the level of the joints and muscles of the supporting leg (the main supporting leg), which is, in our case, the left one, due to the highly increased weight (charge). Diseases can also occur on the level of the right leg due to the tension, which is too high (contractions caused by the coxal dislocation, and not by the exceeding weight!), but not just as severe.

In the case of rest, laying down or sitting, the diseases occur due to excessive tension (increased tonus over the normal limits on the level of musculature), and not due to the exceeding weight, as it is the case with the walking or with orthostatism.

In view of treating the inferior limbs or the lumbar region, the therapy must be applied on the level of the side which does not exhibit painful symptomatology (the one opposite to the painful side).

Experience tells us the following:

* in 70% of the cases, the side opposite to the one of the supporting leg (the main supporting leg) must be treated in order to change the position of CG

* in 30% of the cases, the supporting leg must be treated

In order to be able to tell which side requires the application of the therapy, you must observe the patient for several sessions. If no alleviation of their health state occurs, but, on the contrary, the patient gets worse, you should change the manner of applying the therapy (by massaging the supporting leg).

In case reactions to occur, then we must ask the patient if the pains are bearable. The patient has the right to choose by himself the manner of treatment applied by the therapist so they can decide whether the alleviation of the reaction symptomatology is followed (in this case, we return to the opposite side) or the treatment is carried on with on the same side (this is the more useful manner, given it will have a quicker effect on the initial symptoms).

Provisional exercise for the change of CG

Fig 2.

The provisional analysis of the position (location) of CG: if the patient loses weight, then he has a 70% chance to be affected by decentralization to the left of CG, and the other way around. The period of time in which the patient gains / loses weight depends on the degree (percentage) of decentralization.

Below we indicate the diseases (syndromes) which may occur as a result of decentralization (dislocation, transposition) to the left of the center of gravity, and to the right, respectively.

Dislocation to the left of CG may result in:

* Prominent weight loss

* Suffering of digestive organs such as: the stomach, the duodenum, the biliary vesicle, the liver, intestines. Frequent diarrhea.

* Gynecological sufferings: painful and / or irregular menstruation periods, sterility, uterus and adjoining organs affections (fibromas, cysts, adnexitis) etc.

* Disorders of the urinary vesicle, ureter, urethra, and of the right kidney.

* Cerebral vascular accidents on the level of the right cerebral hemisphere.

* Generally speaking, disorders of all the organs located on the right side (eyes, ears, teeth etc).

Dislocation to the right of the CG mat result in:

* Obesity. Overweight. Constipation.

* Functional disorders and illnesses of the cardio-vascular system. Myocardial infarction, ischemic cardiopathy, cardiac arrhythmia.

* Disorders of the respiratory apparatus (frequent colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia etc.).

* Diabetes and other sufferings of the pancreas

* CVA on the level of the left cerebral hemisphere.

* Disorders of the organs located on the left side (such as the eyes, the years, the teeth etc.)

Generally speaking, the center of gravity changes after serious diseases.

Diagnosis of the position of the center of gravity (PCG)

First of all (and most importantly), PCG will be diagnosed according to symptomatology!

* Ask carefully and to the point about the changes in the body weight undergone by the patient in time.

* Check out the possibility of straightening the coxal joints; in 70% of the cases, it is easier to straighten the joint located on the side of the supporting leg.

* Compare the extension capacity on the level of the knee joint, while the patient lies down. In 70% of the cases, the supporting leg is much more elastic.

* The supporting leg is most of the times longer.

* The shoulder on the side of the supporting leg is often lowered.

The first to disappear in the course of treatment are the symptoms, and it is only later that the structure of the body will straighten. The reason is it is easier to eliminate the symptoms. However, if the disease is still in phase 1, they will be exhibited simultaneously.

Part 2

Dislocation of the coxal bones (DC)

If there’s no trace of dislocation, then the line of the coxal bones must remain horizontal both in orthostatic position and in ventral decubitus. In this case, both of the inf. l. have the same length.

Sketch of the coxal dislocation to the right: The patient lies face down (or face up), the coxal bone on the right side is higher than the one on the left (or lower than the one on the left).

Stages of coxal dislocation:

  1. The inf. l. on the side affected by dislocation is shorter – the center of gravity is fixed on one side.
  2. The inf. l. on the side affected by dislocation (starts to “lengthen” until it reaches the length of the other one) seems to be as long as the other one, or even longer – CG fixed on the opposite side.
  3. The stage of the combined type (chronic diseases); mixed symptoms of stages 1 and 2.

General information on the dislocation of the coxal bones

* According to statistics, 99% of the people exhibit coxal dislocation

* The coxal dislocation to the right is more frequently met (in particular in women than in men).

* The largest part of coxal dislocations are inborn (intrauterine or during the labor)

* During a lifetime, the possibility of changing (the side of) the coxal dislocation occurs (either as a result of accidents or following certain intense sports activities, or even subsequently to a treatment)

* If the musculature of the lumbar region is highly tensed, then the coxal dislocation is fixed.

* If the musculature of the lumbar region is sufficiently lax, then coxal dislocations may occur as a result of tiredness. If tiredness (the charge) lasts (maintains long enough), then the dislocation can move to the opposite side. After the disappearance of tiredness, everything can go back to normal.

* The coxal dislocation is crucially related to the sacral-iliac joint. Furthermore, pay attention to the tonus (tension) of the sacral-iliac and lumbar-sacral muscles.

* The number of sessions necessary to the patient in view of removing the coxal dislocation depends on the musculature tension. If the musculature is sufficiently elastic (lax), as it is the case with children, the coxal dislocation can be removed even only after one minute.

* In a concrete case, there are no diseases occurring in a defined interval because of the coxal dislocation

* The coxal dislocation is almost always present, but diseases don’t appear immediately.

* Diseases occur because of the center of gravity changes its position.

* The coxal dislocation is just the main cause of the decentralization of the center of gravity.