What is Yumeiho®?
YUMEIHO® is a therapeutic method based on manual actions performed on the entire human body for maintaining or improving health; it includes about 100 maneuvers performed on the entire patient’s body.
It is also known as the “method of correcting hip bones, massage and acupressure” or “Saionji Oriental Special Massage”, but the original name is TERAPIA YUMEIHO®.
TERAPIA YUMEIHO® consists of the methodical application of a complex set of manual procedures and physical exercises meant to restore the functional balance of the human organism. Thus, a diverse range of disorders that may cause both acute and chronic diseases is eliminated or ameliorated.
Although Yumeiho® is a method designed to be mainly preventively applied, it is still called „therapy” due to the fact its main purpose is treating or reducing the causes of functional disorders which, in time, may result in chronic sufferings. Also, the Yumeiho® therapy can be applied in order to prevent or to slow down the progress of already existing sufferings.
The manual therapeutic procedures, applied to prophylactic or corrective purposes within the Yumeiho therapy, consist of: osteoarticular manipulation techniques and passive myo-articular gym; point therapy procedures (virtually similar to those used in acupressure and reflexotherapy); special massage techniques and procedures; stretching elements (stretches, elongations); correction and balancing methods of posture, walking and rest positions; optimization exercises of the biomechanics of the locomotor system.
The physical exercises practiced within the Yumeiho® therapy consist of special gymnastic called YUMEIHO® TAISO, accompanied by breathing techniques, relaxation methods etc.
Sorin Iga
President of the Romanian Yumeiho® Society,
6th degree instructor and therapist,
Representative of the International Institute of Practical Preventive Medicine from Tokyo – Japan