Yumeiho® - basic technique

Next, we will present the basic procedures of the Yumeiho® therapy. They constitute the basics for all practitioners, regardless of their level of practice and expertise. Each specific variant or technique stems from these procedures.

The description of the procedures is guiding and mnemonic in nature and addresses exclusively to trainees, as the training from competent Yumeiho® instructors is an absolute requisition for the correct, effective and risk-free acquirement and application.

The sequence and description of the procedures is in compliance with Yumeiho – Instructors’ textbook for the 1st degree, Krakow 1997


August 29, 2018

The extension of the shoulder joint

  The left upper limb of the patient is extended near the head, as straight as possible. The therapist, sitting on his knees, perpendicular on the […]
August 28, 2018

The extension of the cervical intervertebral joints

Preparation massage: the patient is placed lying in dorsal decubitus, with the head on the ground without a pillow. The therapist is sitting with the patient’s […]
August 27, 2018

The massage of the nose wings

     Maintaining the basic positions already mentioned for the previous procedure, the therapist gently massages the patient’s nose wings with the thumbs, by concomitantly sliding […]
August 26, 2018

The massage of the eye sockets and temples

The therapist massages in the eye socket area with the thumbs, simultaneously on the left and on the right in minimum 5 points (both the upper […]
August 25, 2018

The pressure on the eyeballs

    The therapist places the 2nd and 5th fingers from both hands facing each other on the patient’s eyeballs. Then, with the 3rd and the […]
August 24, 2018

The massage of the facial muscles

   The therapist crosses his fingers and applies them on the patient’s cheeks. Then, he performs a squeezing motion followed by gentle rotations. The procedure should […]
August 23, 2018

The massage of the median line of the forehead

The therapist applies pressure with the overlapped thumbs on the median line of the head, in c. 10 points, starting from the point between the eyebrows […]
August 22, 2018

The extension of the dorsal area of the torso (by arching)

The patient sits on his knees, with the buttocks on the heels. The therapist places his knees (kneecaps) right above the posterior-superior iliac crests (bilaterally, symmetrically […]
August 21, 2018

The posterior extension and the stretching of the shoulder joints

The patient is seated on his knees with the buttocks on the heels, then he puts his hands on the back head with crossed fingers. The […]
August 20, 2018

The posterior stretching of the arms

The therapist sits on his knees behind the patient (who maintains a similar position) and grabs the patient’s wrists with both hands and raises them until […]
August 19, 2018

The massage of the upper shoulder area

The therapist is standing behind the patient (who maintains his position from the previous procedure), supporting him with his knees. Then, he massages the upper shoulder […]
August 6, 2018

The relaxation of the shoulder joints

After the previous procedure, the therapists grabs the patient’s shoulders with his hands (holding the deltoid muscles in his palms) and raises his shoulders as much […]
August 5, 2018

The extension of the pectoral muscles by bringing the shoulder blades together

  The therapist grabs the patient’s shoulders, as in the previous procedure, then pulls the shoulders towards him, attempting at bringing the shoulder blades as closely […]
August 4, 2018

The percussion of the shoulders and the upper dorsal area

The therapist rhythmically pounds the patient’s shoulders and dorsal area with his hands cupped. The procedure is performed from one shoulder to another and in the […]
August 3, 2018

Final procedures

  Having finished the previous procedure, the therapist massages with the thumbs oriented towards the other fingers above the shoulders area of the patient’s trapezoid muscles, […]