Yumeiho Theory 1
January 11, 2017
Yumeiho Theory 2
January 12, 2017

Yumeiho in prevention of athlete’s diseases

Assistent professor Bratu Mircea
A.N.E.F.S. – Bucharest – Department of Physical Therapy 2003

Yumeiho is a therapeutic and prophylactic method that works primarily in order to restore biomechanical balance of the entire body. Achieving this objective involves the following aspects: relaxation, which is the normalization of muscle tone masses, the normalization of joint’s biomechanics; the elasticity of conjunctive tissues, the balance of the body’s gravity center position; the harmonization of the body to the spinal column (as much as possible). In terms of the techniques and procedures used, Yumeiho therapy is extremely complex because it incorporates elements from the different schools and systems of massage, both Eastern and Western. There can be noticed classical massage procedures, procedures of acupressure, of osteo-articular manipulation, of stretching, of traction and even elements of active mobilization – selftraining. The technique was substantiated both in a practical and theoretical point of view by Professor Masayuki Saionji, master of the traditional therapies studies institute in Japan, based on the traditional manual therapeutic methods as well as on the rehabilitation of martial arts practitioners. Particularly complex, the technique requires special training, through courses conducted by an authorized instructor, because incorrect application of the method may imply serious repercussions on the athlete’s health. During treatment the therapist uses his hands to explore the suppleness and the muscle tone of the athlete, uses his eyes (in order to observe the expression of the skin color, the body symmetry axis towards the spine, the symmetry of muscle pair groups, such as paravertebral muscles, the harmony of movements as well as the nature of the static equilibrium) and his ears in order to perceive the sounds made by the manipulation of joints. The human body is a very complex system that consists of several self conditioned subsystems and which is sustained by subtle energy, called, according to schools, prana, physis, animal magnetism, bioplasma, Ki – vital energy, etc..

According to Oriental medicine concepts, the imbalance of vital energy underlies the decrease in the performance capacity of the body and its possibilities of defense against external and internal aggression. Throughout the effects it has on the energy level, the Yumeiho technique provides a proper foundation for the restoration of biological and energogenetical structures affected by sport exercise. The association of Yumeiho technique with the classical physical-kinetic means contributes to the optimization of recovery, with special effects especially in the control of muscles contracture, after effort pains, in stagnation of the evolution of biological changes. These effects are mainly due to the improvement of local blood supply in the joints and muscles, as well as to the restoration of the functional balance of the locomotor system by establishing the proper position of the body’s gravity center. The maneuvers of Yumeiho technique addresses especially to sacro-iliac, coxo-femoral and intervertebral joints and acts in order to restore the biomechanical balance – the POWELS balance, thus preserving the local “stability” and “mobility” functions, with effects on the entire body. Throughout the maneuvers used on hip joints (the main joints of the body) there are constructively requested (decoaptari, passive mobilization, etc.) with the creation of proper force directions on the level of the joint’s surfaces. For the obtained effects to be wanted ones, the maneuvers have to be executed correctly. Otherwise negative effects may be seen that go up to the production of local trauma. It is necessary to respect the following rules:

  • the knowledge of technique, of elements of anatomy and physiology, of the structures upon which actions are lead ;
  • the athlete and the therapist should wear loose equipment and be barefooted ;
  • the compliance with the optimal microclimate conditions ;
  • the execution of maneuvers so as not to cause pain (or, when operating in painful regions, this should be in reasonable limits) ;
  • the compliance with the order and methodical instructions regarding the used maneuvers and the approach to the anatomical areas ;
  • the certainty knowledge of the diagnosis, as well as the compliance of the medical specialist indications upon occasion ;
  • the objective assessment of effects- the obtained results and the adjust of the therapeutic behavior according to these ;
  • the knowledge of the contraindications of the manual procedures application.

The increase of muscle tone in effort presents asymmetries in the distribution, generated by the biomechanical characteristics of the effort, as well as the individual features. In the physical plan, these asymmetries generate movements (especially in the position) of the body’s gravity center with structural, morphological and physiological changes.

Abnormalities in the position of the body’s gravity center underlie the appearance of imbalances on the vegetative nervous system, the locomotor system, the circulatory system as well as in the energetical plan. Because it can establish a relationship of interdependence between the position of the body’s gravity center and the status of sacro – iliac joints, any disturbance of their position can be correlated with the appearance of a certain type of functional disorders of the body, namely of the already existing suffering, or a certain potential disease. Because of the unilateral pain of the pelvic joints always induces the design of the body’s gravity center in the contra-lateral body (we are talking about a predominance of its position, both in terms of time of location as well as distributions of weight on the level of the member of the same party). Thus, while walking, the time of support on one of the members (the “uncertain” or painful, or “weaker”) will be significantly lower than the other one, in standing the body weight will be designed mainly on the “healthy” lower limb. It is natural that under these conditions the spine reacts by compensatory curves in order to restore biomechanical balance of the body.

These “corrective” curves if kept long enough – sometimes requiring years- facilitates the production of discopathies,  arthrosis, and other serious injuries of the axial body and not only. Through the non-physiological, abnormal tension, and eventually by the damage of the soft periarticular intervertebral structures, the status and the activity of the of the root  ganglia nerves located paravertebral autonomic nervous system, all of which result in the suffering of the entire body-even functional disorders, all the way to diseases of internal organs. In the absence of an appropriate measurement tool (computerized balance) predominant of the location of the gravity center can be deduced from the appearance and condition of pelvic joints, especially the iliac bone position, respectively from the sacroiliac joints state.

According to observations made by palpation and measurements, we infer potential ailing as follows:

  • in prone – the iliac spines are felt and we can notice that the line joining the two ridges is higher for the “dislocation” part and the corresponding leg seems to be shortened ;
  • in standing – because of “shortening” of the affected limb, it will be noticed a change in attitude, the post-superior iliac spine being located below. In this situation a lateral deviation in the frontal plane of the spine occurs, with the concavity of the opposite “affected” hemi-body to maintain balance.

The type of “hip dislocation coax” (of the gravity center located predominantly on the left side of the body) is characterized by imbalances of the parasympathetic vegetative nervous system, so it has negative implications on the possibilities of restoring after effort sports. The type “left hip dislocation” (CG predominantly on the right) is characterized by imbalances of the sympathetic vegetative nervous system, thus having negative implications on effort capacities.

The disorders occurring in the lower limbs weight distribution facilitates both sports injuries and their competitive results and last but not least we have to mention the increased risk of installation of degenerative phenomena (osteoarthritis) in the overloaded or inadequately addressed joints member.

Due to its specific theoretical and practical Yumeiho method is an application, prophylactic by excellence, both in terms prophylaxis of disease and in prophylaxis of the evolution of already installed suffering.

Positions in which Yumeiho technique can be used:

  • “on the knees” with sitting on heels;
  • supine position – inferior legs slightly brought forward and in external rotation, superior legs slightly brought forward with palms in pronation / supination;
  • in prone – – inferior legs slightly brought forward and in internal rotation, superior legs slightly brought forward with elbows bent / extended and palms in pronation / supination.

The most used maneuvers are:

The manipulation of shoulder and thoracic intervertebral joints– the athlete in sitting position on his knees, with his behind on his heels and with hands behind his head. The therapist sitting behind the athlete on his knees with his thighs brought forward, “catches” the pelvis of the subject, makes the movement from behind to his forearm and realizes thus the horizontal abduction of the arms, along with the extension and the traction of the vertebral column. In the point of maximum tension, the manipulative impulse is made by lifting the shoulders and by the extension of arms, simultaneously with the previous projection of the abdomen. The manipulation of upper lumbar and lower thoracic intervertebral joints – the athlete in position sitting on the knees with his behind on his heels and his head bent. The therapist curled up on the ends, with his knees perpendicular on the vertebral column of the subject at his shoulder’s lower angles does the previous movement on the chest, under the axillas and fixes with his forehead the head of the athlete in flexion. Traction is suddenly made back to the chest, simultaneously while the maximum flexion of the head. The maneuver is performed in 3-4 fixing points, ascending on the dorsal column. The stretching for the back muscles of the thighs and calves – the athlete in prone position. The therapist, on his knees, grabs with both hands the feet’s peaks of the athlete and passively executes the extension of the legs on his shank and the flexion of the shank on the thighs. At the point of maximum amplitude he executes final extended tension by pressure exerted on the back legs.

The manipulation of metatarso-falangiene joints – the athlete in prone position with knees bent at 90 degrees. Manipulation is executed at the metatarso-falangiene joints that are in flexion. The success of the manipulation is appreciated by recording a sequence of sounds.

The massage at the sacro-lumbar region – the athlete in prone position, the therapist massages the sacral region b: 1). pressure exerted by the thumb in 5 points, on the iliosacrale joint lines, 2). Stretching of the skin, [and the underlying soft tissue up to the maximum of their elasticity, maintaining constantly the pressure initially applied on the points], 3).suspension of the pressure, 4) release of skin and 5).smooth descent, for the dissipation [of the tensions] of stagnated local energies,[and the preparation of the ground to execute the next maneuver.].

The massage of the left buttocks – the athlete in prone position, the therapist massages the left region of the buttocks with his left hand, with the elbow extended, with perpendicular pressure exerted simultaneously with a slight lateral movement. The right hand of the therapist stabilizes the pelvis. It has to be run at least 20 times.

The massage of the supratrohanteriene region (on the left side) – the athlete in supine position, the therapist positioned on the lateral side massages this region with both thumbs, perpendicularly one on the other, performing friction by kneading, through longitudinal movements, climbing easily on buttock.

The massage of the tendon of the left femoral biceps – the athlete in prone position, the therapists executes linear friction perpendicular on the tendon of the femoral biceps (on the level of buttock fold, under the ischium ), by maneuvers of “cutting” executed by both thumbs, placed perpendicularly one over the other (for 10 times).

The massage of the left thigh ( on the back) – the athlete in prone position, the therapist massages the region between the buttock fold and the popliteal fossa, on three lines, one median (x 2), one medial (x 1) and one lateral (x 1).The maneuver consists of linear friction with molding, in 8 to 10 points / lines, with both thumbs, placed perpendicularly one over the other. The massage of the left popliteal fossa – the athlete in prone position, gentle pressure is executed with the thumb positioned in a parallel way, in 2 simultaneous points for 4 times. The pressure is followed by very light stretching of the skin and of the superficial touching, for the dissipation of the stalled energy.

The massage of the left leg (the posterior side) – the athlete in prone position, the massage is performed from the popliteal fossa to the achilean tendon, on three lines, a median one(x 2), a medial one(x 1) and a lateral one(x 1). The maneuver consists of linear friction with molding, in 6-8 points / lines, with both thumbs, placed perpendicularly one over the other.

The simultaneous manipulation of ankle’s joint – the athlete in prone position, with the knees extended, the feet in inversion, the physical therapist on his knees, put pressure on the medial front side of the ankle, towards the exterior, followed by manipulative impulse.

The simultaneous massage of the achillean tendons – the athlete in prone position, with the legs brought forward, with the knees extended, with the feet in inversion, the therapist on his knees rubs with the back of his hand the achiliene tendons with a movement from inside to outside. It has to be run 10 times.

The simultaneous massage of the sural triceps muscle – the athlete in prone position, with the legs brought forward, with the knees extended, with the feet in inversion, the therapist on his knees executes simultaneously on the rear faces of the legs.

The simultaneous massage of the feet planting sides – the athlete in prone position, legs slightly brought forward, with the knees extended, with the feet in inversion, the physical therapist on his knees, perform disto – proximal thumb linear friction on 3 lines, 10 times on the median line, 5 times on the medial line, 5 times on the lateral line.

The massage of the supraspinos muscle – the athlete in prone position, the upper members brought forward at 90 °, with the elbows flexed, with the head twisted to the working side, the physical therapist sets with his the left hand the scapula-humerus articulation in the armpit and makes linear friction along the fiber. It is performed bilaterally.

The simultaneous massage of the arms – the athlete in prone position with arms brought forward at 90 degrees, with the elbows bent and the palms on the ground. The therapist performs pressure and circular friction with the back of his hand at the arms level.

The left arm muscle massage – the athlete in supine position with arms brought forward at 90 degrees and the elbows extended. The therapist massages left arm muscle with the left thumb in two directions.

The manipulation of left elbow joint – the athlete in supine position, the physical therapist sustains the elbow with his left hand and executes the outlet with his right hand at the level of the distals third of the forearm. Tension on the extension is performed and manipulative impulse on maximum tension.

The massage of paravertebral muscles – the athlete in position prone, with upper limbs brought forward at 90 ° and elbows bent, the physical therapist performs, simultaneously paravertebral, pressure with the thumbs, followed by traction in the limit of the elasticity of the tissue and then release, followed by soft descending touching in 8 to 10 points , for 4 times.

“Senileta” – the massaging of paravertebral muscles with the knees – the athlete in position prone, with upper limbs brought forward at 90 ° and elbow flexed 90 °, the physical therapist sets the hands of the patient and, using knee pressure perform pressures in 4-5 points on the paravertebral muscles, in descending sens, on expiration.

The manipulation of sacro-iliac left joint – the athlete in right lateral decubit, with left leg bent from hip and the knees and upper limb extended and slightly abducted. Therapist “mounts” the shank of the patient and with the his hand from the head of the patient fixes the elbow and with his ell from the opposite upper limb presses the athlete’s hip down and lateral balance in lateral and down position. Throughout the application of this movement the patient torso twists. The manipulative impulse is induced.

The stretching of the abducent muscles and the coxo – femoral joints – the athlete in supine position with hips in flexion – abduction – external rotation, the knees flexed, continuous pressure in exerted on the medial knee’s surfaces, initially alternatively, and the simultaneously.

The manipulation of the coxo-femoral left joint – the athlete in right lateral decubitus position, with left leg extended and right leg flexed, the physical therapist, is positioned at the athlete’s foot, in its longitudinal axis, with his legs he fixes the leg at the level of the ankle and the knee and with his hands grabs the left leg – the movement is made on the third distal of the shank. Slight rotation of the thigh is being performed with flexion of the knee, in order to relax the muscles, and then run drive in the shaft, followed by manipulative impulse (x2).

The mobilization of the coxo-femoral left joint – the athlete in supine position with his leg flexed, the therapist fixes with his left hand the stub of the patient coupon and grabs with his right hand the left knee, performing circumduction movements. At the end of each race an extension of the knee is being run (x 2-3).

The massage of the left thigh massage (the front) – the athlete in supine position with left thigh slightly abducted and externally rotated, the therapist executes:

a). the massaging the internal surface of the thigh, on three lines – the median one (x 2), the medium one (x 1), the lateral one (x 1);

b). the massaging of the tensor muscle of the large fascia with both thumbs one on the other;

c). the passive mobilization of the patella.

The massage of the posterior muscles of the thigh and of the left shank – the therapist on his knees with his bottom on heels, perpendicularly to the long axis of the patient, the athlete in the supine position with the leg to be massaged sustained by the thighs of the therapist, rolling the leg of the patient on his thighs.

The massage of the anterior left tibial muscle – the athlete in supine position, the therapist massages the anterior tibial muscle with his thumbs perpendicularly one on the other, in 6 points, at least 2 times.

The stretching the back muscles of left leg – the athlete in supine position with left lower member slightly flexed, the knee extended, the therapist fixes with his right hand the stub of the patient and with his forearm executes pressure on the surface of the foot, making a forced flexion.

The mobilization of the left ankle and the percussion on plantar surface of the leg – the athlete in supine position, the therapist executes circumductions of the ankle, followed by six percussions with semi opened punch on the level of the plantar surface of the leg. The asymmetrical maneuvers will run initially on one side, then on the controlateral side, respecting the sequence presented in the table.