The patient maintains his previous position. The therapist supports with his anterior thighs the posterior side of the patient’s calf, while his hands (the left hand over the ankle and the right above the knee) press and roll forward-backward the patient’s leg 25 times. The therapist then changes the position of his thighs so that he can ensure its rolling on the entire posterior area of the calf and knee of the patient. Then the therapist massages the left tibialis anterior muscles with overlapped thumbs, through pressure and traversal rotation. The massage should be performed on at least 6 points, starting from the upper tibial peroneal joint to the external malleolus. The pressure intensity should be dosed according to the muscles tonus (i.e. the pressure intensity is dosed according to the resistance to pressure he senses.) There are three repetitions.
This description presents the manner in which the procedure is performed on the left side of the patient. Similarly, the same steps are followed on the right side. In the standard version, the procedure is first performed on the left side and then on the right side.
NOTE: A relatively large pressure can be applied at the level of the tibialis anterior muscles even if the patient feels pain.