The massage of the inner thighs and of the patellar ligaments

The massage of the inner calf and of the tibialis anterior muscles
September 16, 2018
The massage of the inner thighs
September 18, 2018


The patient lies in dorsal decubitus. The therapist, sitting on his knees and heels supports the patient’s left lower leg on his thighs. Then, placing his hands on the patient’s thigh, he massages the area of fascia lata with overlapped thumbs (while the other fingers grab the thigh muscles) through pressure and traversal twists. The massage is performed in ten points, from iliac crest to tibia. There are three repetitions. The force of the pressure must correspond to the consistency of the massaged muscular mass, the motion being firm, with constant pressure applied during twisting. Then, maintaining his position, the therapist massages the patellar ligaments as follows: he places his right palm traversally on the patella (knee cap) and the left one longitudinally on the right palm, performing c. five rotations on the knee cap edge in both directions. The patella is thus mobilized counter laterally to the pressure and rotation of the palms. Also, c five longitudinal workings of the knee cap should be performed, with the palms placed as in the previous position.

This description presents the manner in which the procedure is performed on the left side of the patient. Similarly, the same steps are followed on the right side. In the standard version, the procedure is first performed on the left side and then on the right side.